Sakura-con 2012

All those maids waiting for your orders.

Hey everybody!

Look what arrived just in time for convention season. We’ll be bringing these beauties, along with all our other hard copy releases, to Sakura-con 2012 in Seattle, WA from 6-8 April for your purchasing pleasure. We’ll also have our famous Oppai mousepads on hand, and they’re absolutely FREE when you purchase a game. Check back soon to find out our table number and location (the con are being a tad slow about getting back to us).

PS: It’s gonna be cash-only, so make sure to hit the cash machines before you hit the dealer room.

8 Responses to Sakura-con 2012

  1. DarkFusion says:

    Just got notice that my copy of WLM has shipped, so I figured as much. Hope to see a similar announcement for the Koihime Musou hard copy for some future con this year.

  2. yagamisan says:

    And when it’s selling in Brazil??????

  3. Hen Da Ne says:

    Look forward to seeing you guys out there! Also nice naughty bits blocker, beats our post-it notes and stickers!

  4. Smelvertising says:

    …can we get some of those stickers too?

    • sloanereinja says:

      If you buy my display copy on the last day of the con, yes. I still need to get the actual stickers run off…

  5. Liberator101 says:

    I wished MG would come to Anime Weekend Atlanta…:(